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In accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (Law 34/2002 of 11 July), we inform the users of this website (www.mallorcafincavianden.com) that the owner is MALLORCA FINCA VIANDEN, Beate Vianden, X4275050V , C / Cotlliure, 4 1 ° A, 07010 Palma de Mallorca, Spain.


When the user accesses the website, he does so at his own risk, and is responsible for the correct use of the web. We can not guarantee the speed, non-disruption or absence of viruses on the website.

Furthermore, we can not be held responsible for any damages that may result from the use of this website, even for actions that may have been taken by the information listed on the website.

We do not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause damage or alterations to the computer system, electronic documents and files of the user of this website. For this reason, we do not blame ourselves for the damages that such elements could have caused to the user or a third party.

As a user of this website, when you create comments, you are responsible for the content of those posts, as well as the links to which you refer. We reserve the right to remove users’ contributions if we deem it necessary and may cause damage to third parties or our own portal, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Law on the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

We reserve all rights, including but not limited to, all copyrights, registered trademarks, and all other intellectual property rights of this site and its content.

The use of the rights and features of this website requires prior written consent. We do not offer any implied or explicit license to use the rights to use the Site, for either commercial or non-commercial reasons, without express prior authorization.

We attach particular importance to the related photographs of real estate on our website, the use of which we do not authorize in any way, unless there is a written request that has been expressly granted.

We check the use of photographs of third parties and unauthorized persons and will take legal action if necessary.



In accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679, we offer a summary of the data collected through this website.

To be able to access some services, it is necessary for the user to provide some personal information. If you use the contact form on this website MALLORCA FINCA VIANDEN, Beate Vianden, X4275050V, C / Cotlliure, 4 1º A, 07010 Palma de Mallorca, Spain, is responsible for the data processing.

We use your data to answer your inquiries made to us through our website. Thus, we can provide you with information about the properties you requested that you might be interested in.

The contact details of the user will never be disclosed to third parties. MALLORCA FINCA VIANDEN undertakes not to disclose this information to third parties without express consent.

The user can modify or delete his data at any time. Please send us a letter to our e-mail address: info@mallorcafincavianden.com or via written request to C / Cotlliure, 4 1º A, 07010 Palma de Mallorca.

This application should contain the following information:

First name
Telephone or e-mail of the user
Address for notification purposes
Photocopy of identity card or passport
The specific request for the application

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