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This website uses cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are files that websites transfer to the devices that connect to them. Although cookies are often used for technical purposes only, they also allow user or device browsing habits to be stored and recovered. Depending on the information they contain and the way devices are used, they can also enable user recognition.

Some cookies are controlled and managed by the website owner (these are known as ‘own cookies’), whilst others are handled by third parties (known as ‘third party cookies’), because, for instance, they provide a tool or function integrated into the website.

Certain cookies are cancelled once website browsing ends (session cookies), whilst others may be stored on users’ devices and accessed for a longer period of time (persistent cookies).

What type of cookies do we use and why?

This website uses the following types of cookies:

  1. Technical cookies or cookies that are essential for the provision of services: We use technical cookies in order to provide the services requested by our users. These cookies are essential for browsing and using the website’s various options and services, such as traffic management and data transfer, the use of security elements during browsing or sharing content on social media.
  2. Personalisation cookies: In order to optimise the experience our website offers, we use personalisation cookies that enable us to tailor the website and service settings in accordance with users’ preferences or the general features of their devices, such as the browser type and version, the operating system installed, etc.

Uses of these cookies include remembering the parameters selected by users during their visits, adjusting website contents in accordance with their language or location or keeping registered users logged in.

Are cookies anonymous?

Cookies do not contain any information that on its own allows for the identification of a specific user. In our case, the information obtained may only be associated with a specific user if this user is identified on the website. These data will then be processed in accordance with the website privacy policy, which at all times complies fully with the provisions of the personal data protection legislation in force. Affected users may, at any time, exercise their right to the access, rectification and erasure of their data, as well as a series of other rights, as detailed in the aforementioned privacy policy.

How can I manage the cookies?

Website users may opt not to receive cookies, erase them or be informed of their installation by duly adjusting their browser settings. To find out how you can manage cookies on your browser, we recommend you consult the help section included thereon.

For your convenience, below you will find details of the information on how to manage cookies, provided by the main browser developers:

If you disable the cookies, you may find that you are unable to use certain website functions.

error: Este contenido está protegido.

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